Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I hate...

...moving. May it be any shape or form, I just hate it. I hope that explains my frustration right now. But if it doesn't I guess I might as well explain better. I have to pack, right? Yeah, and I only have today to pack my stuff that I want to bring to the mini-apartment. And all my dad gave me was a box. It looked pretty big/decent enough to fit all my stuff, and it did, kind of, but I can't help but wonder where all the other tiny little stuff I have is gonna go. And I still have my extra-personal items left, like my beeds, my picture of Gurudeva, my gopal, my baby gopal statue, and etcetra. But my dad says I can give that to him...

This morning after arriving at school early, I sat down by the table next to our classroom and waited. I pondered how I should kill my time while I wait, so I grabbed my mini-notebook and a pen, and started to write some notes for Vaal's story. Now, when I have the time, I can write those notes in actual story-like words and all that. I already started a bit, but I won't be able to finish because tomorrow I'm leaving on the trip and will only be back on Saturday.

Packing also for my trip was annoying. I just don't like to pack. It's a nuisance.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

I just realized why you haven't been around lately, lol - not commenting on my posts and etc. It's because you're gone! Ha! And this post of yours was the last since you left...so when you get back and see the ton of messages I left you on chat, do ignore them, because most are whining messages wondering why you aren't around. Now I realize why - I had forgotten you were going on a trip for a week.

So you are moved now, huh? Or in the process, or something. I know how you feel, I hate moving, too! You have to be less close to friends, you have to pack tons of stuff, decide where to put it in the new room, throw away old junk, etc.etc. It sucks majorly.

So good luck on that! And I'm really happy to hear you are writing story notes in your free time. Awesome! Hope you keep progressing.