Friday, October 21, 2005


Listening to: "3 X 4" - Engenheiros do Hawaii

Whee, I survived. I mean, from the apresentation. Our teacher let us read a little in the end, so that helped a lot. I also didn't stutter this time. Well, now I've got that out of my hair finally. You don't know how relieved I feel. Plus, it's finally weekend. Actually, it would be better not to say "finally" since the week for me really went quite fast. I guess because I was so busy with my homework and the apresentation that I didn't notice the time go by.

Man, I have nothing good to talk about! It's annoying...

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

urgh...I have a stomach ache.

But, on to your post. I know how you feel on it being annoying when you have nothing to post in your blog. It is annoying.

I told you the presentation would go well, see? It went well. Congrats on not stuttering! I have trouble w/ that when I do a presentation in front of the class, too.