Sunday, January 22, 2006

I am such a space-cadet.

I feel really stupid right now. I mean, really really really really REALLY stupid. For the past day and today I thought I was talking to Ana Paula's brother on MSN, but I just realized it's actually been Iago. And I made the mistake of mentioning Ana Paula, thinking it was Arthur, 'cause he was talking about a little brother (and knowing Arthur, I wouldn't be surprised if he said it jokingly like that), but it was Iago and I feel so stupid. And now he's offline... I mean, it's not like he didn't reply from that point, but once I started apologizing... after a minute or two of waiting for his reply he just went offline. And yes, I feel stupid.

I just need to make a mental note to always look at the email address.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Ok, other than the fact that yes, you mistook one person for another and didn't look stuff up, I don't see why you're so embarassed.

is it because this Iago guy is the guy you had a crush on before? Do you still like him? Or maybe I'm thinking of someone else with a similar name....T_T

Lol, but I kinda know how you feel. I've done that before. I was talking to this guy and I thought he was good-looking and it all, and it ended up being my friend Radhika's fake account (with a fake picture of some hot guy), lol! I was embarassed after that.