Tuesday, January 3, 2006


I've started to use my tablet again! It's so much fun. Well, this is something I "produced" randomly while I was partly goofing off and practicing. The fact of the matter is, though, that I used reference on the face. Basically, I was looking at another drawing and used that as a reference. Before I somehow managed to draw this, I was looking and practicing with the various tutorials on faces and bodies here. As you can see, they've helped loads! If you're looking for some good tips and advice, try some of them out.

(click on it for a bigger version)

So like I said before, it started out as a simple reference to a profile. Then I thought: "Hey! Why not put some hair on it?" So I did, and from that point on I couldn't stop. And yes, those puffy objects are sad examples of clouds. And those dots in the sky are supposed to be stars. The grass is kind of obvious.

And yes, I know there are some mistakes here and there. But I prefer not to think about them and just look at the overall picture right now.

...I'm not extremely proud of it, mind you, but it isn't every day that I find myself quite satisfied with what I draw.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

I really liked the website that you used for reference. The tips on drawing anatomy are really good, and it's interesting learning how to draw the faces and hairstyles.

I like your drawing, the face is cute and the hair looks good. :D