Have you ever heard of the manga "Angel Sanctuary"? If you have, and know me well, you're probably thinking why in the world is she reading that?! (I asked the same thing to myself!) If you haven't heard of it and you don't know me well... then tough luck!
But seriously. I'd love to give you guys a basic summary, if it weren't for the fact that the story is so darn complex. Luckily, I came across this:
- Taken from StrictlyShojo.com
Setsuna is a troubled boy. His parents are separated, and he lives on his own. His sister Sarah lives with their mother. Though he seems to be an average guy, he loses his temper often enough to be thought of as a bit of a thug, and can be seen picking fights with street toughs for seemingly obscure reasons. The fact that he usually wins, is equally disturbing - though pales in comparison with the affection with which he regards his sister.
Though Setsuna's life is far from ideal, he is rather attached to it. So, he is a bit less-than-thrilled when a group of drugged-out guys start persecuting him - especially when they kidnap his sister. Determined to get her back, he wages one-man war on their headquarters and loses, badly. This of course, is merely the beginning. As he should by all rights be dying, another voice takes over, and decimates his enemies. At this point, it becomes clear that he is, indeed, the reincarnation of Alexiel - a rebellious angel, banished to earth long ago.
This is the point when the story starts to get complicated. The various factions pursuing Setsuna and his unwelcome progenitor are literally legion. First you have the "good" angels, the "bad" angels of varying degrees, Lucifer himself [as a human, no longer waging true war on heaven], and various underlings. Good and bad demons also weigh in to various degrees, as well as Setsuna's mother, who is rightfully distrustful of his attachment to his sister, Sarah.
It is inevitable at this point, that all hell is going to break loose - and Setsuna will likely be the cause.
Yeah, uh-- my parents don't know that what I'm reading is exactly that. Eh... ¬__¬;; But trust me, I wasn't totally enthusiastic when I started reading it. It was quite the opposite. I was just curious. But then I got the chance to buy another edition, and now I'm kinda hooked... Heh.
Don't hate me! V__V;;
1 said miss mademoiselle:
I won't hate you (never!), but I must say...SHOJO, Syama? I hope you know, and I think I know, that shojo = romance in Japanese comics (manga). So yes, my reaction is exactly "why is SHE reading THAT?" ESPECIALLY since I happened to see the (O.O !!!) NC-17 (freaky stuff, beware!) rating at strictlyshoujo.com. Whoa! I hope you know that NC-17, which I have been unfortunate enough to stumble upon, can include highly freaky graphic descriptions of...freaky stuff. >.< NOT cool.
Anyway, that's just a warning. I had to include that.
Aside from that, I say I have heard of Angel Sanctuary. It's a very popular manga, but I never picked it up because I don't think I ever saw it in Borders - or if I did, I was too absorbed in other series, like LH, Ranma, IY, and etc.
But you have made me curious, so next time I am at Borders, or on an online manga site (like the one where FMA is), my piqued interest will force me to check out this "Angel Sanctuary" manga.
Always glad to know you've found another good manga! You've got a knack for that, you know.
Check out my blog! I will probably post something new there soon.
I'm glad you're finding things to ramble about finally, lol...I was getting sad about all of your major-short posts!
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