Monday, October 3, 2005

Just another excuse

Listening to: Two Hearts - Phil Collins

Lately I've been feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with myself. Or rather, today.

Sometimes I find myself thinking that I really just don't make an effort. An effort to simply feel better about myself. Be more confident and conquer challenges, take hold of my responsibilities-- instead of constantly complaining and whining, insisting that "I'll do it later."

But then when I really think about it, it's just another excuse. I think about it, contemplate that I'm annoyed with myself, and yet do nothing about it. All I do is think about it, and then think about it some more. I do nothing in reality. And even now, I'll admit, I don't really want to. I have an urge, but I'm too lazy to act.

So yeah, I'm basically repeating myself and whining without doing anything to change it. Realistically, I can only start doing something tomorrow. At least that's what I think... I know, it's just another excuse.

What do you suggest I do? Other than take action like I should?

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

I'm a little confused on what exactly it is you are trying to do. The problem, I understand, is that you are bothered with yourself for constantly putting things off and whining, instead of doing things.
So I think the only solution is to just start DOING things! Whine mentally instead of out loud (because otherwise people get bothered - I have experience with this too; don't worry, you're not the only whiner/procrastinator).

What you've got to do is just shove away the self-pity thoughts and how much you DON'T want to do whatever task you have to do, and just DO IT. Like Nike says: "just do it!" That's the only solution. Force yourself to do it, and the quicker you start, the quicker you'll finish.

Don't leave things to later. If you do the worst, most annoying tasks first, you will have time to yourself and for fun things later, and will be relieved to have the annoying stuff out of the way. Plus, you never know what might happen the next day to prevent you from doing it like you SAID to yourself you would do that day.

So just do things as soon as you can, without whining or procrastinating, and even if it's hard and takes a while, it will be worth it.

Also, if you are annoyed with yourself - maybe some self-analysis, thinking (about who are you and what it is about yourself that bothers you, and how you can CHANGE it) should be on your schedule, too.

Hope I helped a bit!