Sunday, October 30, 2005


I'm back and I'm sick. I ended up getting sick at the last day. But all in all, the trip was fun. We went by a travel bus to a place called Tianguá-- it was about 5 hours long. Somewhat up in the mountains, it was a little chilly in the morning and late evening, but otherwise the sun was pretty powerful. We went swimming, stayed up late, walked in a desert with goofy hyroglifics as well as in a jungle-- plus a gorgoues and oh-so-cool cave. I got to see and touch an adorable monkey and as well as an iguana-- only I didn't get to touch that.

When I got back, which was yesterday afternoon, I was still sick and had a little bit of a fever, so I didn't do much other than rest and sleep. When my dad picked me up, though, we didn't go back to the house. Now we're in the little apartment I talked about. Not the one in Beira Mar-- the one with the garden and pool and benches that's called Happy Living. Things are still a bit messy, especially since some boxes are still laying around. But it's just a matter of time and things'll look better. My room ain't that much, but hey-- at least I get to have a big bed now~.

I came across this artist on DeviantART that goes by the name tracyjb and her art is beautiful (you can find more sketches at her site!). If you go to her site, you'll find a wonderfully written story there as well. I've only read the first chapter, but I already have a feeling that it's something Chai would like. So be sure to check it out!

I feel somewhat obliged to give more details about the trip, but... I can't think of what else to say about it. It was fun, no doubt-- but that's it, I guess.

I guess I might at well mention this, though: boys are not only an amusement, but a nuisance as well. Don't get it? Try and figure it out, heh.

1 said miss mademoiselle:

Rain-drop said...

Aww, you're sick! That's too bad! I hate getting sick. But I'm glad you're back, yay! Comment on my blogposts if you get a chance.

I really do love this Tracy's artwork on DA. It's lovely! Her drawing skills are superb. I wish I could draw my characters like that, arrgh!

And I will definitely check out this story you think I'll like. Intriguing.

You got to touch a cute monkey, how cool! It sounds like you get to see some awesome places over there in Brazil. Wish I could see 'em, too! Take pics and post them on your blog next time, please?!

Hmm, the boy mysterious. I'm guessing you had a run-in with one, and he was amusing in his boyishness. Tell me about it, I'm curious! Boys can be quite annoying, yeah.

Your room is small? Mine too. -_-