Friday, December 30, 2005

KH2 and Jpop + some FMA

Listening to "Tokyo Nights" - Utada Hikaru

Okay, so the last post was a bit over-cooked, but this one isn't! I'm not gonna be screaming any of that "omg! omg! omg!" stuff today. All I'm gonna do is grin and show you this picture from Kingdom Hearts II. Honestly I think it's gorgeous. But you may think differently. Whatever the case, I hope you like it.

On another topic... I really like Utada's "Tokyo Nights". Chai thought it a bit on the iffy side, I think, but I really like it. For one, it's catchy, it has a cool rythm, and the singer can sing, man. Of course, with every catchy song, it can get annoying after a while if you listen to it too many times. Now that I think about it, I think I'll change the song now. I listened to it, like, for 5 times already.

Now I'll switch to a song from M-Flo ♥ (the heart is part of the name, btw), called "Tripod Baby (Shadow the Hedgehog Remix)" I know, it's a strange title, but this japanese group does cool dance/disco music. I remember the day before yesterday I downloaded it. When I started listening to the beginning, after 30 seconds of regular techno sounds, there comes out this one guy who starts saying: "It's Shadow the hedgehog, baby" repeatedly and doesn't stop for more than 10 seconds. I was getting really annoyed at that point, so much that I wanted to hit that guy over the head to make him stop and just start the song! Once he did, the girls' cute little voices come in to soothe my ears, as they sing a mix of english and japanese. The guy sings in the mix of it, as well. From that point, the song is really fun to listen to. There can be these really silly catchy frases they sing too-- like the one I couldn't help but sing to myself while getting ready for bed:

"Get busy. Whoa, easy! Don't know if y'all is ready. Get busy. Whoa, easy! Don't know if y'all is ready. For busy. Check the mike, it's easy. Check the mike for busy. Check the mike, it's easy."

I know I may sound like an idiot singing that, but really, it's really catchy if you listen to the song! And the song isn't just that. They just sing that in the middle, heh. I actually feel kinda embarrassed for liking such a song with so little meaning. Normally I like songs that have more meaning in the lyrics, but this song is an exception, I guess. It's just too amusing and fun to listen to!

Anyway, any annoying-ness of the song goes away once you listen to it for a while. So the beginning doesn't bug me as much as it did then.

So I guess this post ends here. I was just kinda bored, I guess. Hope it amused me as much as it did me! XD

P.S. As a side note, I'd like to mention something. Something I thought very funny. FMA, first of all, has gotten more chapters on, so I've been reading ever since I found out this morning. Well, I started where Ed meets his father at his mother's grave. He get's all angry and calls him names. His father's reaction is also very funny! But then they are forced to walk together back to Pinako's house-- Ed is so not happy about it. That's when it get's really amusing. While they're walking, Ed's father says thoughtfully: "Your hair is in the same style as mine." Ed, really annoyed by that, immediately changes his ponytail to a braid and glares at his father-- you know, that glare that only Ed can do. Then Ed's father says to himself He's also very much like me when I was young. It was so funny~! XD Of course, it's gets all serious from that point on. Spoilers issue, so I won't mention anymore stuff. I just loved that one scene, that's all.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

More KH Craze

Listening to: "Passion" - Utada Hikaru
♥ Aaw, man. Sorry guys, but all I'm gonna talk about is sillyness. But... Oh-my-gosh. I found more KH2 goodies on DeviantART! It's scary! These little clips are taken from various artist's icons~

(Okay, I tried like three times to put the images here, but for whatever reason stupid Blogger keeps on showing them in this ridiculously huge size, even when I tell them to make the size small. So even though it would be much more convenient to show them right here, I'm gonna give you guys the links to the images, that way you'll see the actual thing in their proper size. Actually, instead of giving you the lame link, I'm gonna give you the even lamer URL, 'cause the links won't show up properly on Blogger.)


♥ Dude, like OMG! When I saw them, I was like-- that can't be real! I was grinning so bad. Now I really, really, really wanna play Kingdom Hearts. Like, right now... at, erm, 9:35 PM. XP ♥

Um, sorry peeps. I guess I can't help but face the fact that I'm head-over-heals in love with Kingdom Hearts and anything likewise. And whenever I see something about it, cool footage or the like, I start acting like a crazed fangirl. o__o Sorry if I scared you. I also feel very ashamed and stupid that I always seem to sound like a wacky teenager who can't stop saying "omg, omg!!" when she's excited. Sorry folks, once again. (I feel so childish~)

Oh, and sorry for all the hearts. I couldn't help it... v__v

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Talking beavers!

I saw The Chronicles of Narnia today at the theaters with Cristina (plus her mom, younger sister, and a friend of her's I don't know.) But we had to see it dubbed in portuguese, because her little sister can't read that well I guess, so she wouldn't be able to read the subtitles... Anyway, the movie was good. Okay, it was very good. Heck, I thought it was pretty great. =D

The only real downside of the whole "going to the theaters" thing was that my dad and me ended up waiting for Cristina and peeps almost an hour later then she had planned to me up with me. OK, maybe it wasn't an hour, but it sure felt long! At first I was really annoyed (and my dad got annoyed at some point at the beginning as well), but then once I saw her (finally) I couldn't help but smile in relief. I just felt and continue to feel really bad that my dad waited with me all that time, when he really had a lot of work to do-- and it's a deadline. He's still working and I continue to feel bad... but in reality it wasn't my fault. Either way, I feel bad...

Wanna know one of the things I don't really like about going to the theaters? It's that even if your movie may start early, like 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock, the movies are always long and end around 5 to 7 o'clock in the evening. And then I think that I could have done so many other things in that quite large span of time. And that sucks. *pout*

I'd give more details on the movie, only I'm a bit tired, so what I said earlier'll have to be enough. But one of the things I really liked about the movie was the music. The soundtrack, I mean. Or whoever was singing those pretty medieval-ish songs.

And I guess that's that.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hey! Yeah, YOU! LOOK!

Listening to: "Here Come The Sun" - The Beatles


Sorry, I couldn't resist. I stumbled on it on one of the artists' journal on DeviantART, and all I could think of was omg, is that, like, real?! It turns out it is and it's a screenshot of a full motion video yet! (Taken from a magazine article, no doubt.) Ain't it pretty...? It's sure a spiffy Sora. You might be wondering why I'm fauning over the sequel game for Kingdom Hearts, when I haven't even finished playing the first game plus even started the pre-continuation of it, KH: Chains of Memories. So like, I won't be able to play it even if it's coming out very soon. But who cares? I adore anything related to Kingdom Hearts! So yeah... I'm rambling here.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm bored and I feel like talking...

Upon going on the computer just a couple minutes ago, I find myself being bombarded by 3 little "annoying people" known from my school on MSN. Turns out they all invited me on a group conversation. At first I just watched as they continuously called me. Basically, I ignored them. It was so much fun to see their final reaction when I put my status on "Away", too. They eventually left the group conversation... but then they came back. Arthur being the one to start it. He's Ana Paula's brother, and he can be annoying as heck. The other 2 or 3 are his friends. But whatever. Now I'm talking to them. They think I'm talking way too much than normal (they like to joke that I'm the girl who doesn't say a word) and I seem to be in a bad mood, 'cause I started talking to them in a sarcastic manner. They kept on saying it sounded more like Cristina than me. Anyway, now they're kinda talking to themselves. Figures.

(Yeah, weird post... but I don't care. =P Have you ever been bugged by people like that?)

Thursday, December 8, 2005


Sorry, peeps. It's just that, that picture of that model was just screaming I want to be annoying!!, and it accomplished its goal quite quickly. So I decided it's a good time to change the layout. But don't worry, Chai, my friend, your edition of that layout has been put in a safe place in my files. It won't be wasting away! Seriously. Anyway, I guess the fact of the matter is that I can't like a layout for very long. It just isn't possible.

I've started to play Final Fantasy X again. I stopped at the point long time ago where I had to try and win a blitzball tournament. Last time I tried I lost like a complete loooser. This time --after I had started a new game a long time ago and gotten to that point-- I read the rules again with more attention and finally I understand how to play. I didn't win, but I scored the first goal. And I never did that before. So that was cool. o__o

But now I'm stuck at this stupid "Highroad" place. I've been there before, like, before I had started a new game again, and I ended up getting stuck there too as well. Only in a worser situation... But even though there is more hope for me to get pass that area now, I keep on dying!! It's like, I loaded myself with about 10 to 15 potions, right? But they run out like hotcakes. Really hot hotcakes. It's insanity! It's ludricrous! It sucks... And the monsters aren't even that strong yet-- they're just little pests that have a tiny life span and could be easily killed-- if it weren't for their stupid oh-so-useful-and-handy-good-for-nothing attacks that take pretty much half of my team's HP. Only Auron has 1,000-something HP. And even he is hard to keep alive, what with all my potions going bye-bye! It's least to say ANNOYING.

Wow, I sound like... Chai. Normally she's the one venting out her frustration on stuff on her blog, not me. Oh well. There's a first for everything, I guess. So yeah. I gotta go now...

Sunday, December 4, 2005

shopping and stuff

Posting on the same day yet again. That's just plain weird. But whatever. I have the right, don't I? Yeah.

Around 12 or 12:30 my dad and me went to the mall to have lunch. My dad ended up making me go shopping first, though. Trust me, I normally am not that into shopping as like most girls, but my dad just started showing me shirts in C&A and, I dunno. I just couldn't really say no. At first my dad was almost convinced that the section that was obviously for toddlers was where I'd find clothes in my size, and that really made me irritated. I started getting all snappy with him and went downstairs to just prove that there was a section for teenagers, that actually worked for my small frame.

I bought quite a lot of shirts and only two pairs of pants. Ironically, most of the clothes in general were a mix of pink and orange. Only one shirt was green, and one of the pants were white. But seriously, everthing else was orange and pink. Or just plain orange. I blame my dad, 'cause he was the one who picked out most of the shirts. I was the who picked the green one. Oh well, they're pretty clothes.

When we waited in the line, though, it took a while for us to get assisted, becuase half of the people at the register were new and pretty much only one guy knew what he was doing and had to help them. So while we waited, I grabbed some pretty hoop earings.

After that, we finally went to the food court and ate. My dad then grabbed some shirts from his favorite brand... at that point I was shopped-out. But my dad wanted me to get some decent shoes (since my sneakers aren't the best quality) so we went to the nearest shoe store and I ended up picking up some black old fashion-like tennis shoes. I like them lots.

Once that was done we made one more stop: at McDonald's to get some vanilla ice-cream on a cone. It was so good! <3 Then we went back home. =D

La, la, la~


Listening to: "Why" - DJ Sammy

Okay, okay. So you proved me wrong. That does have some decent layouts, but it's really hard to find them. You gotta just have a real keen eye, that's what. Anyway, isn't this layout gorgeous? I admit, the style or rather "the atmosphere" is a bit creepier than I'd normally go liking, but it's cool. The model's pretty, the colors earthy, the phrases luring, and the overall style very...stylish. I just really like it lots.

Have any of you ever listened to DJ Sammy? His kind of music goes along the lines of the "dance" genre and does lots of nice remixes. His newest creation is a remix of "Why", sung by a person called Annie Lenox. Sounds familiar. Anyway, the lyrics are awesome. So if you happen to have a chance to listen to it, don't say no. If you're a fan of the "dance" genre, then I recommend this song whole-heartily.

Anyway, it's a beginning of a new day and hopefully I'll get something done today. Unlike yesterday...

"This is the book I never read
These are the words I never said
This is the path I'll never tread
These are the dreams I'll dream instead
And these are the years that we have spent
And this is what they represent
And this is how I feel
Do you know how I feel?"

- Lyrics from the song "Why".

Saturday, December 3, 2005


I am bored out of my skull. So far, I've been playing just videogames today. And I'd probably continue playing 'cause I'd love to play Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life or Legend of Zelda: the Wind Waker, but I my stupid GameCube isn't accepting it. The only game that has worked fine on my GC lately is Animal Crossing, and I'm sick of that game right now. And I don't feel much like playing any of the games on my PS2, either. But if those two games were working, then I for sure wouldn't be on the computer.

I'm in desperate need of a new layout. But it's a trip to find anything I like in I really can't find anything I like there. But I'm just picky when it comes to layouts... or pretty much anything else. Do you guys know any other places I could find some...? T_T Blah. This post is mostly just for boredom, so whatever.

Friday, December 2, 2005

HP4 and silly stuff.

So, today me and Cristina went to the movies to see HP4. We planned on Aldeota mall-- and for the first time, I was the one who arrived late. But it wasn't my fault. It was the stupid traffic! Anyway, so I ran and ran all the way up to the 3rd floor, which luckily ain't that high and eventually found Cristina-- buying candy, where else?! It turned out that they only had HP4 in "dublado," meaning in Portuguese-- and of course, we don't want that. So Cris concludes that we go and walk over to Del Passeo, which is just a block away, because it has a better chance of having "legendado" (english with subtitles). When we get there, we're forced to see a huge, simply blindlingly glistening Christmas tree in the entrance, and oh, what is that..? Do I hear christmas charols?! My, my, and it's only the beginning of December!

Anyway, so we go up to the cinema area and: yay, there's HP4 in english with subtitles! But then we noticed that the next time would be at 5 o'clock, and the current time was past 3:30. At first we thought that was the end of it, it was just too late. Cristina said her parents would probably let her watch it even though it'd be late, but I called my dad while we sat down, and surprise, surprise-- my dad let me! So we walked around the mall, strolling past the various shops, magazine booths, and who-knows-where-else-- all the while cracking jokes and making sarcastic marks. We even stalked a guy or two to see if he'd just turn around for us to see if he really were as handsome as he seemed from afar. We mostly ended dissapointed... but laughing nonetheless.

We ended up going into the theatre 20 minutes earlier than when the movie started, so we just chatted for the time being until the trailers started. We chatted here and there through the whole movie, sometimes making sarcastic marks, or simply giggling for silly reasons. Exemple: Daniel Radcliffe.

There was this one part, though, where some kids on the lower section started saying "shhhh! shhhhhh!" in a loud voice on purpose. Cristina said "anbody have a hard object to throw?", then eventually somebody close by got fed up and told the "shhhushers" to shut up. Me being the person who couldn't resist, started clapping. Then Cris started clapping, and then everybody started clapping! It was so cool! Heh, and to think I was the one who started it.

But on to the details of the movie. First thing I noticed was that they took a lot of stuff out. Like as in fast-foward, fastforward, and omg! -- fast-foward again! It was least to say annoying, but understandable, since the book does have quite a lot of stuff happening, and it's hard to put all that in a 2 hour movie. So yeah, I'm making that as an exception.

But the general "feel" of the movie was sort of portrayed pretty well. As far as dark-ish atmosphere goes. There was quite a few cool effects, too. But my favorite parts were the parts where me and Cris laughed the most. For exemple, the scene where Cho waves at Harry across the great hall and Harry, in an attempt to grin while drinking his juice, splatters it on himself. The whole room cracked up!

Another would be in Snape's class, where Hermione, Harry, Ron, and the twins are chatting, and Snape hits them over the heads with his book or pushes there heads down with his hands. We were overcome by a fit of giggles.

Oh, and one more! The bath scene with Murtle was quite amusing. Neville's quote: "Oh no! I killed Harry Potter!" was even better, though. XD

Man, what a awesome way to start the vacation.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Why, she's alive! It's a miracle!

Listening to: "Could I Have This Kiss Forever" - Enrique Iglesias & Whitney Houston
Icon: taken from Digik.NET

Long time no post, peeps. Life has no doubt been stressful, what with all the decisions on moving or not, school ending, and my mom over in Berlin. But hey, I survived, right? And I'll survive again, somehow or another. So yeah, that's that.

You're probably wondering about the icon. Honestly, I think it's hilarious. Of course, normally I feel weird when it comes to slashy stuff, but sometimes I can't help but find it funny-- when it's presented in a humorous way, of course. I dare you to tell me you haven't laughed about it once or twice in your life.

I was hoping I'd come here and have lots to talk about, but I don't really. So I'll stop here, I guess, and hope next post I'll have more to say.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Strange what one little object can do to your head.

Just 20 minutes ago I was lying on my bed, bored and frustrated. Upon spacing out after struggling to draw something decent and failing, I grabbed my huge, practically empty notebook and wrote a little. A beginning of a new story...

The inspiration of the idea didn't come from spacing out, but on a drive back home from school on Friday, where I spotted a couple small, simple houses squished together. One of them had some rusty old stairs going up to the door. You know, the kind that has cool swirls designed on them. The old fashioned kind.

So I spotted it for just a moment, and a scene came to my mind. A scene with rain and clouds. A scene with a small girl and a mysterious lost boy. Of course, you find the stairs in their as well. And there blossoms the idea that I should make that into a story. I'll show you what I wrote, although I might end up re-writing it later.

That day, it was raining. The weather man considered it the sign that fall was ending and winter was beginning. The sailors considered it a nuisance. And the townsfolk considered it merely as a bad omen. But I liked to think it was a mix of all three.

Ha-ha, that's all I wrote. But it's a start. Tell me what you think.

P.S. On a side note, go check out my domain quickly. OK, so techincally it hasn't changed, but it features Kadaj, and that makes all the difference, ok?! Seriously, I wanna make a shrine for him~

Monday, November 7, 2005

Why is it that I always end up saying more then wanted?

It's that infamous day of the week which we like to call Monday. And yet, I don't have much to say. I luckily don't really have much homework today, so I can relax with the time that I have. And no, I haven't progressed on Vaal's story. I haven't had the time or inspiration lately.

OK, so I guess I could mention one thing-- as far as news go. But I'm only mentioning it out of boredom and lack of things to say, so don't go all jumpy on me. Recently I've been crushing on a boy at my school. And not just any boy-- a boy that I know, that my friends know, that my classroom knows-- so he's no stranger. Honestly, I wouldn't be calling this news, since it's kind of old news to me, but whatever. He's a bit of a goof-ball, I guess. Not that he's clumsy, but he's a bit of a joker. Or something. Oh, and his name's Iago-- I've mentioned him before, I think. At that time, I didn't really like him that way. I think. (Man, am I an un-sure little creature!)

Anyway, no big deal. I just hope it passes, because, well, this might sound silly, but I just don't need another dilemma in my face. It's just makes things even more complicated then they already are. So.. yeah. Let's change the subject. >=D

Hmmm, I'm tempted to post some of writing for Vaal's story. I'll just cut off the part that I'm having difficulty with and post the rest. What do you say? It's gonna be most probably long... But oh, what the heck. I just gotta brace myself for Chai's critic, that's all.

This wood was one of the many scattered in the Ralsdon region. But this one is a bit different. This is the one that changed my life.

Yes, nature was plentiful considering the newest releases of technology, which had lead to lots of destroyed forests. Nowadays a simple stroll or a nice drive through town wasn’t good enough. Now people wanted faster and bigger ways of transportation. And that is what lead to the future.

But Vaal Brooks clinged on to the old things that nature had left behind for as long as he could, that is why he decided to be an archeologist after he turned 19. That way, not only could he keep things of the past close to him, he could keep technology from controlling his world completely.


That day was the hottest I could remember, but at that moment, I didn’t mind. I was too distracted to notice I was on my knees, dirtying my clothes as I bent down to get a closer look at what was on the ground.

It was sphere –shaped, just about the size of my hand, and was made out of stone. It was worn and old, and on it were odd hyroglific-looking symbols. And as I examined more, I saw cracks on the edges.

I looked up to my surroundings and smiled. Beautiful, I thought. Such were the woods in the Ralsdon region. As the sun peeked through the wood’s every nook and cranny, the pine trees, scattered everywhere, shooted up the to the sky, as if trying to touch the vast heavens above them, but were stuck to the ground like as if from a curse. I chuckled to myself, and finally put my new treasure in my sack and started my way back home.


There was a man-made path going to my house, but I chose to take the scenic route for a change. Evey discicion, evey move, they would eventually lead to my destiny. What that destiny was, I did not know yet.

I walked with an easygoing manner, my sack’s string dangling on my finger lazily. As I crouched through the various trees and brushes, I smirked at the luxury of nature’s beauty. That was when I heard a noise behind me. A snap of a twig somewhere in the distance.

I swiftly turned around in surprise and curiosity, only to find nobody there. I dismissed it to be an animal and continued walking. But upon turning my head, I spotted the oddest flower I had ever seen in my life right by my feet.

It wasn’t the appearance, but the mere glow of it that was strange. It was as if fairy dust was sprinked on it. I have to admit, I was baffled for a moment.

But that moment left almost as quickly as it came, and I came back to being the inquistive and greedy boy I was. In result, I crouched down, and, with the most delicate fingers I could muster, plucked it from the earth’s soil. At that very moment, I was alarmed by a voice.

Now, I'm not sure if all of it's in perfectly likable condition, you get me? There still may be some things I want to adjust or will adjust later, but for the time being, this is what you get. So be happy!

Oh, and one more thing. I doodled a sketch of Daniel Radlciffe from a photo I got off the net. It didn't come out at all like the photo, but at least I can say it has some resemblance to the actor. I'll have to scan and show it to you later, so yeah. Just wanted to mention that...

Sunday, November 6, 2005

Gotta love that british accent~ <3

I just watched an interview of Daniel Radcliffe, and man, he should be a comedian! (And the host too!) The interview also includes a clip of the up-coming movie, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. So totally download it or else you'll be missing out on some good laughs and awesome footage. Go check it out here.

Thursday, November 3, 2005


I solved my problem with the wall. Sort of. But I'm stuck again. Wow, it's Friday tomorrow. The week is going fast! Half of me is happy, and the other is just freaked out.

I want to see the Corpse Bride...

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Raise your hand all math-haters!

Listening to "I Want a Love That Will Last" - Reene Olstead

Algebra must have been created by some mathematician nut who had nothing better to do other than complicate peoples lives with it. I mean, come on! It's toture to the brain and oh-so very frustrating. I've never stopped asking and I shall ask again: why in the hell did people get the idea to make math even more complicated than it already is?! Why is it that they must find an even more mind-boggling way to add/subtract/divide/multiply a couple of stupid numbers?! And then they decide to add goofy letters in it as well?! WHY?!

Now I know the frustration Chai is feeling. Yes, I feel for you so! Now I must grudgingly go back to my stupid algerba homework... Wish me luck.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Brick walls suck

Listening to: "Rock with You" - Michael Jackson

Remember that I mentioned I had made some notes about my story? Well, I managed to write and revise some more. But just when I'm starting to like how it's coming out I'm hit with a brick wall. See, I had this plan on how I'd do it, only I ended up adding a small detail out of the blue--and I like it so much!-- but now I'm stuck on how to continue to the point I need to get to. So now I am faced with the desicion to either take it out completely, or find a way to squeeze it in somehow. I'm baffled and it sucks.

Anyway, I'm going to deal with it tomorrow either way. I have to get ready for bed. My dad wants me to go to sleep early tonight, you see.

Oh, and Happy Halloween everyone! Not many people celebrate it here in Brasil. Maybe it's better that way-- I always hated being startled anyway, especially since it's so darn easy to startle me. Just a simple "boo" works. Ridiculous!

Sunday, October 30, 2005


I went to after looking at Chai's quizzes, and decided to just do the "Most Poplular" ones. I picked the top two that happened to be on the main page.

You do things the ususal way. And you're definetly
not one of a kind! You're very pretty and have
the very inpopular boyfriend, but you have lots
of friends and you are loved, You are looked
upon as normal size.

Which Anime girl are you? (Pretty pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla
I guess it could be somewhat true... I mostly wanted to do it becuase the pictures were so cute.

Dreamwalking is your specialtiy.
You are a person with a huge imagination, and would
rather live in their imaginary world than the
real one. You love to sleep, because when you
do, you get to live in your dreams. In your
dreams, you see things that might come true,
and at some times they do. You can interperate
any dream, whether it be yours or someone elses
and most of the time, you are acurate. Many
people may look down upon you because of the
fact that you don't seem to see the problems of
the real world, but you do. You just want to
escape them, and your dreams and imagination is
where you can find that solace.

Everyone has a secret ability. What is yours? (7 answers with pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
Kinda true. I love daydreaming and fantasizing-- and I'd just love to live in my dreams, but I don't like sleeping that much. I also use my dreams and fantasies to hide from my problems, so that part is a bit true.

The rest were completely random, but also on the "most poplular" list.


You have Butterfly
Positive Traits: Thoughtful,
Intelligent, Humble, Clever, Open
Negative Traits: Elitist,
Conceited, Apathetic, Cold, Sarcastic

Your eyes are the windows to your soul. What type of eyes do you have?
brought to you by Quizilla


I'm back and I'm sick. I ended up getting sick at the last day. But all in all, the trip was fun. We went by a travel bus to a place called TianguĂĄ-- it was about 5 hours long. Somewhat up in the mountains, it was a little chilly in the morning and late evening, but otherwise the sun was pretty powerful. We went swimming, stayed up late, walked in a desert with goofy hyroglifics as well as in a jungle-- plus a gorgoues and oh-so-cool cave. I got to see and touch an adorable monkey and as well as an iguana-- only I didn't get to touch that.

When I got back, which was yesterday afternoon, I was still sick and had a little bit of a fever, so I didn't do much other than rest and sleep. When my dad picked me up, though, we didn't go back to the house. Now we're in the little apartment I talked about. Not the one in Beira Mar-- the one with the garden and pool and benches that's called Happy Living. Things are still a bit messy, especially since some boxes are still laying around. But it's just a matter of time and things'll look better. My room ain't that much, but hey-- at least I get to have a big bed now~.

I came across this artist on DeviantART that goes by the name tracyjb and her art is beautiful (you can find more sketches at her site!). If you go to her site, you'll find a wonderfully written story there as well. I've only read the first chapter, but I already have a feeling that it's something Chai would like. So be sure to check it out!

I feel somewhat obliged to give more details about the trip, but... I can't think of what else to say about it. It was fun, no doubt-- but that's it, I guess.

I guess I might at well mention this, though: boys are not only an amusement, but a nuisance as well. Don't get it? Try and figure it out, heh.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I hate...

...moving. May it be any shape or form, I just hate it. I hope that explains my frustration right now. But if it doesn't I guess I might as well explain better. I have to pack, right? Yeah, and I only have today to pack my stuff that I want to bring to the mini-apartment. And all my dad gave me was a box. It looked pretty big/decent enough to fit all my stuff, and it did, kind of, but I can't help but wonder where all the other tiny little stuff I have is gonna go. And I still have my extra-personal items left, like my beeds, my picture of Gurudeva, my gopal, my baby gopal statue, and etcetra. But my dad says I can give that to him...

This morning after arriving at school early, I sat down by the table next to our classroom and waited. I pondered how I should kill my time while I wait, so I grabbed my mini-notebook and a pen, and started to write some notes for Vaal's story. Now, when I have the time, I can write those notes in actual story-like words and all that. I already started a bit, but I won't be able to finish because tomorrow I'm leaving on the trip and will only be back on Saturday.

Packing also for my trip was annoying. I just don't like to pack. It's a nuisance.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Frustrating little thing it is

Listening to: "Force of Gravity" - BT feat. JC Chasez

I have once again written a teensy bit more for my you-know-who shrine. But now I have a great urge to play the game. The truth is, I haven't finished playing the game yet, though I know the basic story already despite that-- 'cause of the spoilers on the net. Anyway, there are these tiny-itsy-bisty details in the story that are important to the story which I still have not witnissed comepletely, so I feel like I must finish it to be able to write some decent info on Tidus, others, and etcetera. We'll see what happens. Also, I wasn't able to find a way to rewrite my "indepth" info on Tidus yet. (What I was talking about yesterday.) It's bugging me.

Besides that, I haven't done much today. Oh, well-- only if I take out the part where my dad and me went to Beira Mar and looked at an apartment building we're considering to rent and then stopped at the mini-magazine shop and bought a comic + a magazine or two. But other than that, yes, I haven't done much.

I should chant some rounds now. But I'm so bored...

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Buahahaha.... I'm weird.

Listening to: "I Wanna Dance with Somebody (Who Loves Me)" - Whitney Houston

I'm not much of a fan of Whitney Houston. I never hear her songs on the radio, what to speak of elsewhere. But I was bored as I was browsing iTunes Music Store and came across Whitney Houston. Out of pure curiosity, I browsed through her albums, and came across this one song called "I Wanna Dance with Somebody" and I really like it! It came from an album that was released 1985, so yeah, it's typical 80's groove. But that's what I love.

I've written some more for my up-coming Tidus shrine, and I'm happy how it came out. But now I'm not happy with what I wrote several days ago anymore. It's weird. I'll have to find a way to re-write it tomorrow. But at least I wrote, so it makes me feel happy. It feels like I accomplished something. Lately I've realized if you want to feel if only a teensy bit satisfied after the day, you gotta do something for yourself. You just gotta do it, or else it won't happen. And it feels so good when it does! Now I can finally say that effort pays off in the end.

I've also written a teensy paragraph of the continuation of Vaal's story yesterday. I tried writing more, but my mind just whent blank. I have to find a moment to think it through on what'll happen next.

I did all my homework today, so I won't have to worry about it tomorrow. The only thing I haven't done is knitting... which I'm leaving for tomorrow. Even though knitting has gotten easier for me to do, I still don't like it. And I'll continue not liking it! Hmph.

I have my period. I don't know if I should be even be mentioning this on my blog, if it's advisable or anything, but it's my blog, and I'm not embarrassed to say it. It sucks though. The back pain has gone away for a bit. It better not come back! And fortunetely, my dad has just come back with the pads I've been needing. Yup, you don't want to know...

What else? Uh, dunno. I'm currently browsing manga scans... specifically shoujo. And don't think it's weird that I'm reading shoujo! It's not. I like shoujo, shoujo can have an interesting plot too. (But some can really bore you to death, I'll admit that.) Besides, if you knew me well enough, you'd know that I'm a cheesy romantic. Yes, I finally said it. (Hope you find that funny, 'cause I do.)

Oh, and another thing! I was browsing this one Tidus shrine today. The creator of the site was explaining why she liked Tidus so much, and one of the things she mentioned was she thought him as a perfect boyfriend. I realized that I agree. Serious! Not that I have any experience with boyfriends or boys, but if I met a guy like Tidus, I'd be like: oh-my-gosh--*heart*. It's a weird realization, but it's so true.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Sidgey-poo XD

I wasn't planning to make a new character. I started out with the idea of drawing a cute looking guy in a highschool outfit (omg, I'm so cheesy), but once I got to the hair, I started goofing off and since I just love little curls and swirls in any shape or form, I ended up starting out with on little curl of hair, and then I started liking it and put some more waves and curls. This is the result. Nothing extravagant, but I like it. I think my favorite part out of the whole thing besides the hair is the mouth. Why? Because it actually looks somewhat like a mouth!

Oh, and pardon for the excessive amount of hearts. I kinda really liked it, so I couldn't resist putting some hearts here and there to make my point clearer then it already was.

About the name, well, all I can say is that I really like it. >=D Yeah, yeah-- I'm so silly. Me knows.


Listening to: "3 X 4" - Engenheiros do Hawaii

Whee, I survived. I mean, from the apresentation. Our teacher let us read a little in the end, so that helped a lot. I also didn't stutter this time. Well, now I've got that out of my hair finally. You don't know how relieved I feel. Plus, it's finally weekend. Actually, it would be better not to say "finally" since the week for me really went quite fast. I guess because I was so busy with my homework and the apresentation that I didn't notice the time go by.

Man, I have nothing good to talk about! It's annoying...

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Can you say "she talks too much?"

My neck hurts. It's been hurting ever since I woke up this moring. Every time I try to stretch my neck, it hurts. Thankfully it's not hurting as much anymore.

My headache went away. What a relief. I think it came from straining myself too hard on finishing my 4 page long research about vitamins ASAP. Oh well. At least it's done and the headache disappeared. I just hope my research turns out to be of some use for our presentation, because I worked hard on that thing. Even if most of it was copying and pasting it. The research was tiring enough.

Oh, I'm gonna be gone for most of next week. Seriously, the 7th grade is going on a trip next Wednesday! We leave at 8 o'clock in the moring on a special bus, stop at this one place called "Tianguå" at 2 o'clock, and then we're going out on the 29th (which is on a Saturday) at 8:20 AM in the morning and getting back here in wee old Fortaleza at 2:20 PM. We'll be staying at a hotel called "Hotel Complexo de Lazer Rios" in Viçosa do Cearå (which I have no clue where that is) and chilling there. I think.

It's supposed to be a little cold there, so they ask us to bring warm PJs and clothes, of course. The cool thing is that they ask to bring a bathing suit, so that may mean there's a pool. Ooh. I really can't wait, but I can't help but worry about my dad doing the rest of the packing for the move alone. I mean, sure, of course he's capable. If anybody is, he is. But I'm just worried that my personal stuff is gonna get stuck in storage or worse yet-- lost! Yeah, yeah. I worry too much.

My headache is starting to come back, so this is where I shall stop. Chaozinho.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

This time, there's no going to the "start" menu.

Man, the minute you think you've got it covered and you can chill, the second you turn around, they dump a whole new load of dirty looking homework in your face. Maybe it's because it's close to the end of the year. But it's most probably becuase of what we call "reality" exists. Well, think of it as another challenge, only this time you can't just turn off the game. It sucks all right.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

New title + a new accomplishment. Sorta.

Listening to: "Force of Gravity" - BT feat. JC Chasez
Reading: What I wrote earlier
Watching: the clock (literally)

I couldn't help it. The name literally just popped in my head while I was browsing this new collective and peeking at its various sites. One of her sites were called "Epilogue," which she claimed was her personal site. Then I tried linking names similar that for the fun of it and the current name of my blog came to me. I think it's snazzy, dude. First time I actually was creative, too.

You know how I'm putting cielo-sereno.ORG on hold, right? Well, I don't exactly want it on hold forever. I was getting annoyed earlier that I hadn't started any of the ideas I have. So this moring, after breakfast, I sat in front of my computer and did a little bit of research and started typing. Now I've written 7 paragraphs for one page, which shall be one of the pages for my hopefully up-coming Tidus shrine. Ever since I started playing the game, I was charmed by Tidus. He's just so... loveable! But I'm sure there are Tidus haters out there somewhere. Such a pity too. Anyway, so now I'm feeling a bit good about myself, having finally finished something!

Let me hear a cheer for the lazy-bum!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Quick rant

I discovered this one girl that goes by the name "Charlotte Church." I found a song from her in "iTunes Essentials" called "Celtic." Most of her songs, which go under the general vocal category are... well, vocal. But with a... celtic style. Her albums only go from 1999 to 2001, so she's probably not that known at all. But her voice is beautiful. And I love the style of music she does. Yeah, I guess I'm a sucker for the cheesy and romantic. I've always been.

But wait. Now searching on Google for her name, it seems she's a singer still. She even has her own website. Hmph. Never heard of her. I listened to her music she has on her website, and it's completely different. It sucks in comparison. *pouts* People become so degraded with fame. I don't mean to be judging or anything, but it's just true. I mean, have you seen the black music videos on TV?! It's gross.

To see an example of the songs she used to do (the one's I discovered and like), watch this music video:

Tetsuya Nomura ish teh best, dude~

Listening to: "When You're Looking Like That" - Westlife

I just finished watching Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, and I'm in love with the characters. My favorites were Reno, Cloud (duh), Marlene, Denzel, and... Oh what the heck. I love them all!

(I repeat! Tetsuya Nomura ish so cool!)

Friday, October 14, 2005

"Happy Living" (that's the actual name of the place)

Listening to: "Hey, Whatever!" - Westlife

So a couple posts back I had mentioned briefly that I would have to move earlier than expected. Why? Well, let's just say my mom flunked when she forgot to tell the owner we're staying a bit longer. So, yeah. Now we have to move before the end of this month.

At first my dad thought we would just have to live in a flat for a month or so, that way we would be able to look for a more practical place to live in, in the meantime. Luckily, my dad found this place down closer by the beach, and still in the same area. It's sort of like a condominium complex (with security and stuff), except with gorgeous scenery and a huge pool. The "apartments" are technically flats, but like I said, it's just temporary. The only problem I have with it all is that the room that would be mine is really small, and therefore doesn't have as much place for storage as I'd like. It has two single beds (which I can connect to make a big one, hehe) and a closet, but that's about it.

But no doubt, I love the scenery outside. It's green, full of palm trees, flowers, and little stone paths. And it's very sunny. But my favorite part is the area where several paths connect and lead to two white benches, where a couple trees are shading them. A prefect place to daydream in my free time...

The majority of our stuff will be going in storage once we move, of course. So I soon have to decide what I want to bring and what I don't need to. My dad says he wants to move sometime around the 31st.

Wanna know another cool thing?! The download for AC is almost done! Serious! I'm almost positve it'll be done by tonight, or at least tomorrow. I so hope it works~

On a note, I'm listening to this one song called 'Hey, Whatever!" by Westlife, right? I just love it. It's sung in a chorus and upbeat way~ I want to show you the lyrics!

Well I can't control the universe
Cause I'm only a man
And I've been reading the papers
But they won't tell me who I am

If you really need a new philosophy
Well there's one that makes sense
The one I profess but I say

Chorus: (All)
Hey whatever
Let your beauty come alive
Let your colour fill the sky
And say whatever
Why don't you liberate your mind
Let your colour fill the sky

All the world's a waiting room
And we're standing in line
For the answers to the question
"What makes this fine?"

Don't let them change your story
Won't let them change your song
Don't let the gurus and philosophers lead you on


It's like taking a seat at the roulette table
Just spinning the wheel
Good or bad just take what comes
Don't change how you feel
Youre a champion of science
Or are y'just some freak show's fool
What can not be proved, no no
Can still be true
And I say
Chorus x 2

Heeey whatever

I like it, anyway... ¬__¬;;

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Doodles in the truest sense

Listening to: "Credit Card Baby" - Wham!
Credit: icon found at Digik.NET

Yup, that's right. I have but only two sucky doodles to show... So pitiful, me knows. The first one I did yesterday. I was kinda bored and... yeah. At first I was a bit proud of it, but now that I look at it again, I think it looks hideous. It's plain full of mistakes. T__T

The second one I did half an hour ago. Yeah, it's supposed to be Malfoy there. And the little head back there is Harry (Yeah, with no glasses. Maybe they fell off from the shock.) I drew it more for amusement than anything else.

Uh... I guess this post was a waste of time. Oh well~♥ (Psst. It's probably obvious, but click on the images to get a bigger version.)

P.S. Scratch that "he looks too much like a pretty boy" thing. Now that I look at it again, he just looks like a kid. *snort*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Emotions are something to ponder

Listening to: "Spinnin' Around" - Jump5
Credit: icon found at Akutenshi

My dad suggested I call my mom on Skype (a free calling program you use on your computer), and eventually I did (after playing a little bit of "the Sims," of course.)

I don't know why, but I almost felt even more awkward on the phone. I guess it's because I haven't heard her voice in such a long time. We talked a little about our recent happenings and my opinion on the current ideas and decisions that were being made. When I heard her voice, I was kinda surprised. It almost felt that I was talking to a different person. Dunno why. It was strange. But then my voice started to break and I had to somehow hide it so she wouldn't notice. I even shed a tear or two, but kept my voice as steady as possible. It eventually went away. In the end, my mom had to leave to eat dinner.

Why did I almost cry...?

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Can't think of anything witty...

Listening to: "Beauty and the Beast" - Jump5

I've been working on my research for almost 3 hours, and I've only managed to write three whole paragraphs... But it was really hard to find the right words to use! But hey, at least I'm getting somewhere, right?! Right~

I found a torrent with "Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children" with English subtitles. It's big as well, 759 MiB to be precise, (definetely not as big as "The Sims 2," thankfully) so it may not take as long to download. I just hope it works in the end.

It was a pain to go to sleep last night. Actually, it wasn't that hard to fall asleep, but when I woke around 3 A.M. and couldn't fall back asleep, that's when it got annoying. I was tired, obviously, but I couldn't get rid of the weird images of walking, supposedly dead, pale, people that shaped from shadows and candles in my head. I blame the manga I was reading last night, which was made from the same person who made Angel Sanctuary (but unlike AS, it was rated PG-15), except the artwork was obviously older since the artwork in AS is much prettier. Anyway, it was about this guy called Count Cain and he solved weird murder mysteries and collected rare poisons. It might sound interesting, but I wasn't that interested, so I eventually stopped shortly before I went to sleep.

I seriously tried to push out the images. I tried to think of something completely different, but every time I started getting sleepy, the images would come back, and then I'd wake up again. It was so annoying!! I eventually turned on my lamp next to my bed, hoping it might help. It just burned my eyes like anything! I don't remember how long it took, but eventually I fell asleep. What a night that was... (And I had to deal with that and my dad's snoring!)

Yeah. So.. uh, that's all I have to say at the moment. Have fun. (P.S. Any icons that don't have credit are made by me..)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Such a daydreamer doesn't deserve such boredom...

Listening to: "Do Ya" - Jump5

My dad found me a place where I can download Sims 2 for the Mac! Of course, it's big, so it's gonna take a while. But at least, hopefully, I'll be able to play it. Oh, the wonders of the Internet...

Monday and no school today, and for the rest of the week. Cool, right? It would be even cooler if it weren't for the research I have to do about nutrition. I haven't even started writing anything. But I have a whole week, right? There's plenty of time... *nervously glances at the readers*

At least one of you must know about the group called Jump5. Yeah, I'm a huge fan of that catchy, girly, sweet, bubblegumy pop. So typical, yes, I know! It's the typical music a typical girl who's a daydreamer and despite the reality of things, still can't help but dream of that "prince who sweeps you off your feet," even though she knows it could never happen in real life. She sighs at this, but still likes to dream... HEH. *smirks knowingly at herself*

Believe it or not, I do have "The Sims" for the PS2. (You're probably wondering why I'd want the 2nd for my comp, right?) It's quite fun, actually. I still haven't completed the "Get a Life" mode yet. My "sim" (character) has to live with the dreadful Mimi (she doesn't clean, cook, or even answer the phone) as a roommate. The house's awesome compared to the somewhat dingy thing you gotta move into before. Anyway, my "sim" has a job as a stunt double, and get's paid pretty good in my opinion, but to get the stupid promotion for it is proving to be a trip. (You gotta complete various goals/missions to get to the next level, or in other words, move out. To get a promotion is one of them. And you gotta have the required qualities to get it. It's a pain.) Anyway, yeah. That's what I've been playing as far video games go.

Grr... I dunno what to talk about. Just to think of "The Sims" was a struggle. Ooh.. I know. *evil grin*

Tetsuya Nomura ish the best. ♥ (Er...that wasn't what I was going to say, but it's true, he is..) Now for what I was going to say!

"Yakitate!! Japan" is an awesome manga. Sure, it's main plot is mostly about bread, but that doesn't make it boring. No. It makes it even cooler, becuase if it weren't, there wouldn't exist the awesome characters in it! And it may be hard to believe, but it's HILARIOUS. (I didn't put that in caps for nothing!) And between the hilarity, it still manages to have its touching moments. So ignore the comments like "ugh, it's about bread?!" -- just read it! Remember the saying: Don't go judging a book by its cover. Okay?! (Demanding little creature, ain't I?)

Okay, now here's where my mind goes blank. So... tootles!

[EDIT:] After I had posted my entry for today, I decided to browse my older entries, and it made me realize: I've really slacked off on my grammar recently. In my entries of the past months and last year, I wrote these huge entries with a much better use of words. That is to say, I didn't use as much slang as I do now. It bugs me. Instead of mature, it makes me feel childish to see how I write my entries now. How annoying... [/EDIT]

Saturday, October 8, 2005

Angel Sanctuary

Have you ever heard of the manga "Angel Sanctuary"? If you have, and know me well, you're probably thinking why in the world is she reading that?! (I asked the same thing to myself!) If you haven't heard of it and you don't know me well... then tough luck!


But seriously. I'd love to give you guys a basic summary, if it weren't for the fact that the story is so darn complex. Luckily, I came across this:

Setsuna is a troubled boy. His parents are separated, and he lives on his own. His sister Sarah lives with their mother. Though he seems to be an average guy, he loses his temper often enough to be thought of as a bit of a thug, and can be seen picking fights with street toughs for seemingly obscure reasons. The fact that he usually wins, is equally disturbing - though pales in comparison with the affection with which he regards his sister.

Though Setsuna's life is far from ideal, he is rather attached to it. So, he is a bit less-than-thrilled when a group of drugged-out guys start persecuting him - especially when they kidnap his sister. Determined to get her back, he wages one-man war on their headquarters and loses, badly. This of course, is merely the beginning. As he should by all rights be dying, another voice takes over, and decimates his enemies. At this point, it becomes clear that he is, indeed, the reincarnation of Alexiel - a rebellious angel, banished to earth long ago.

This is the point when the story starts to get complicated. The various factions pursuing Setsuna and his unwelcome progenitor are literally legion. First you have the "good" angels, the "bad" angels of varying degrees, Lucifer himself [as a human, no longer waging true war on heaven], and various underlings. Good and bad demons also weigh in to various degrees, as well as Setsuna's mother, who is rightfully distrustful of his attachment to his sister, Sarah.

It is inevitable at this point, that all hell is going to break loose - and Setsuna will likely be the cause.
- Taken from

Yeah, uh-- my parents don't know that what I'm reading is exactly that. Eh... ¬__¬;; But trust me, I wasn't totally enthusiastic when I started reading it. It was quite the opposite. I was just curious. But then I got the chance to buy another edition, and now I'm kinda hooked... Heh.

Don't hate me! V__V;;

Friday, October 7, 2005

Who would think...

Listening to: "Pieces of Me" - Ashlee Simpson
Credits: credit for icon goes to Confidenter

I thought I'd be able to relax this weekend and next week, but at at the end of class, Assunção just dumps a whole new load of homework on my head. Sure, a couple drawings I can do, and by all means, I can copy a little text, but adding that plus a research about nutrition and reading "El Cid," which is full of complicated words --in portuguese-- that's just a bit much.

I know. Responsibility is responsibility. But sometimes it can get on your nerves. I'm just not completely use to having to think about so many things, to remember so many things, to organize my time between fun and work. It's just out of whack.

And it don't help that my dad told me we're gonna have to move a bit earlier than expected. And then there's mom coming back soon. I can't help but just feel a little apprehensive, you know?

But I'll deal with it. I can handle. Besides, it's Friday. Low and behold. =)

Monday, October 3, 2005

Just another excuse

Listening to: Two Hearts - Phil Collins

Lately I've been feeling frustrated and dissatisfied with myself. Or rather, today.

Sometimes I find myself thinking that I really just don't make an effort. An effort to simply feel better about myself. Be more confident and conquer challenges, take hold of my responsibilities-- instead of constantly complaining and whining, insisting that "I'll do it later."

But then when I really think about it, it's just another excuse. I think about it, contemplate that I'm annoyed with myself, and yet do nothing about it. All I do is think about it, and then think about it some more. I do nothing in reality. And even now, I'll admit, I don't really want to. I have an urge, but I'm too lazy to act.

So yeah, I'm basically repeating myself and whining without doing anything to change it. Realistically, I can only start doing something tomorrow. At least that's what I think... I know, it's just another excuse.

What do you suggest I do? Other than take action like I should?

Friday, September 30, 2005


Listening to: "Somebody Like You" - Keith Urban

This is one of the reasons why I don't like taking naps, because when I wake up, I feel all groggy. I just ate some ice cream to try and wake me up, but I'm still a little spacey.

Earlier this moring (when I was at school) I had already decided a topic to talk about, but then the feeling passed, and once I got home, the topic didn't seem to have much importance. So now I have nothing really to talk about.

I guess I could mention that I have to do a presentation on Monday with Ana Paula, Cristina, Lucas, and Samuel about drugs. (Wow, long sentence...) The thing is, is that Cristina is traveling for the weekend and she hasn't even finished her part of the job. And she was the leader of the group, too. So becuase of that, we can't meet up to finish together. Anyway, what worries me more is that I have to study the content of my subject (Moconha) and memorize it so I can talk about it on Monday. I just ain't looking foward to the weekend if all I'm gonna be doing is that. *sigh*

Have you ever heard of Keith Urban? He's a singer with a sweet country voice. I linked to his website on his name up there, so go check out some of his songs. Unless you don't like country, you don't hafta.

Bummer FF: AC is only coming out in English in November. Well, it's only a month away. But still, despite it all, it seems like 50% still gets to see the movie. Wish I knew Japanese...

That is all I can think of. *shrugs* Pretty boring, right?

Monday, September 26, 2005


You know how a lot kids want to be grown up, or adults, per say? Well, I'm just glad I'm not, because it's just plain scary what responsibilities adults have to deal with. I mean, that's a lot of pressure! You're probably thinking what's the big deal, right? Well, sometimes stuff makes you think and realize. That's what happened today. But moving on... It wasn't actually my plan to talk about this. Actually, I didn't have much a plan in the first place. Because, to be blunt, I'm kind of lonely.

Anyway, I just wanted to get that out of my system. I was kind of freaked out before...

So, what shall I talk about? It's 7 o'clock in the evening and I still have one little piece of homework to do. It's a drawing that supposed to be something about this poem our teacher made us copy today. But I have no idea what to draw,. It's annoying to say the least.

You know, it may be kind of a weird thing to say, but I'm kind of glad I get to go to school everyday. I know what you're thinking! You've got to be insane, right? But I'm serious! It's such a relief when I get there, becuase I can hang out with my friends and forget the complicated trivias of life! (Though I wouldn't mind not seeing Assunção there.) OK, maybe I'm sounding a bit too dramatic, but you kind of know what I mean, right? Right.

Tomorrow's the Physics test, and surprisingly enough I'm not worried about it. Weird, right? At least I can relax. Anyway, the teacher's cool and it's not complicated physics. It's just stuff about weight and gravity and force and that kind of stuff. Cool, right? Right...

I guess I'll go now. Gotta do the offering before it gets too late. I really don't want to go downstairs, though. Wish me luck!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Almost Friday...

Listening to: What She Likes - Evan & Jaron
Plug: Anime Visions (credit for avatar)

Hi, people. Sorry about the recent posts once again. Lack of interest in things to say. Remember vaguely about a "domain thingie"? Well, it's here, online, only I've finally decided to just make it a coming soon project. This doesn't mean I've given up. It just means I'm putting it on hold for a little while longer. I don't want to go on the with it if I don't really want to, otherwise it takes away the fun and it eventually feels like work. So yeah... that's that.

I called Sabrina today (my tutor) and she helped me with my exercises my math/physics teacher gave me (which he gave to everybody else, mind you.) Then she helped me organize a list of the different formulas I should try and memorize for the upcoming test, which for sure isn't tomorrow, thank god. I don't like physics. It's complicated and mathematics are in every corner. I don't like anything with math, period. Science is similar, only it's even more complicated. I guess. I just don't like either!

My dad got his car back yesterday, and I was able to stop at the magazine store today. I looked for edition 19 of X/1999 but they still had the 18th there! What's with that?! Maybe they only get new ones during the weekend. That didn't stop me from buying something, though. I found another series from CLAMP, called "Tokyo Babylon." I haven't heard much about it. I just grabbed it because it was from CLAMP, and the stuff from CLAMP is normally good.

I also bought vol. 2 of Neon Genesis Evangelion -- The Iron Maiden 2nd, which is a different version from the original Neon Genesis Evangelion, done by a different artist, and is total shojo material (romance-ish). Some of the characters change a bit as well. The biggest change would be Rei Ayanami. I definetely prefer the original, but since I have already boughten the 1st volume, I might as well continue it if I have the chance. Besides, it's cute.

Our music teacher at school gave us a new music to practice. Before we were practicing La Cucarracha but the new one's called "Tristesse". Maybe it's Italian? Dunno. Anyway, it says on the paper that it's written by Chopin, so that's cool. In comparison to La Cucarracha, this one's a much sadder melody. It's pretty too. I've only been able to get a hang of the beginning, though. It's a pain.

My mom arrived in Germany today. Or last night. Could be either one. I haven't been able to talk to her, though. That's a bummer.

Oh, I also stopped at the movie rental place, DistriVĂ­deo, and asked them about Final Fantasy: Advent Children. They said that it'll be a while. Why did they put the movie on their site if it's gonna be a while!? No fair. I guess I'm gonna have to wait for the "official" version like everybody else afterall... There's always the pirated version on the net to look foward to, though!

Wow. I think this is one of my biggest entries in a while. Cool!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

It's a dream come true~

At school this morning one of the first things Cristina told me was that she saw FF: AC available for rent at DistriVĂ­deo. My first reaction was: Are you serious??? She was. It turned out she had only seen it at their website, but even that was hard to believe.

So I went to the website to get my own proof. Behold... it's true. O___O I get to see it before all thos people in US...♥ *does a little dance*

Oh, and sorry about the lack of interesting posts. Haven't had that much to say lately.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

GRRRR! Uh... I mean -- ♥ <3

My STUPID tablet is not working properly!!! I blame my new computer. T____T

[EDITED at 3:54 P.M.]
Whoot!! It turns out I just had to download a new version! Now it's working. This doodle was done to celebrate! ♥

....Psst! Look at my profile picture! XD

Monday, September 19, 2005


Listening to: "Don't Lie" - Black Eyed Peas (I can't believe it myself, folks.)

Hot milk has got to be one of the best things to warm you up. Besides hot chocolate, I mean. I think hot milk is better, though. You're wondering why I'm drinking such a thing in such a warm and tropical place, right? Well, it just so happens to be freezing. I'm serious! It's sooo windy.

My dad's car is in the shop, so for the past 3 or 4 days (weekend not included) I've had to take a taxi to get to school and back. With a taxi driver I trust, of course, but it has its unconviences. Like, I can't go anywhere after school. v__v And that especially doesn't help since I'm paranoid that I won't be able to buy this week's edition of X/1999. So far I have been able to collect them, starting from edition 15, so I don't want to miss any!

Talking with my mom over iChat has been weird. It's cool in some ways, but sometimes it feels plain awkward. I only got to talk to her for about a minute when I got back from school today, and I wanted to ask her permission about something, but then she had to go! It sucks... -__-

I'm trying to make a "CG" of this picture to the right. It's a screenshot from FF: Advent Children, featuring the gorgeous Aeris and the cool Zack.

I've never made a CG from stratch before. I've never really made a CG, for that matter. When I see other people showing their CGs on their websites, I want to make it too. But I've been so lazy and even though it looks easy, it's a pain, so I've always avoided it. But today I thought, hey, why not try? So I'm trying. Here's how it looks like so far. This time, it can be seen on the left side.

As you can see, I've only done the base colors, so it doesn't look like much. I haven't even finished the basic shapes yet.

Ugh, I have a headache. I shall eat something now. Tootles!

Thursday, September 15, 2005

They shoud put a stupid warning, those little...

Lately I can't read manga scans online without being extra-cautious. I know I should expect that, especially of the internet, but it's really starting to get on my nerves! My dads having a massage, so I'm all alone with nobody to talk to (my mom left today, btw.) I normally search for a manga to read to keep me company and get rid of my boredom, so that's what I have been doing for the past hour or so. But I've already came across 2 mangas with steamy situations. Shojo mangas, of course. But creepy ones nonetheless.

OK, OK! So the first was already kind of obvious by the title, which was Royal Seventeen (not to mention the summary) but I think "Hey, it's can't be that bad." Stupid me... Anyway, so I read the first couple pages and I go "whoa." But I continue anyway, thinking like before, it's can't be that bad... But it just continued, and I just had to stop.

That's when I come across the second one, which is called Yoru Made Matenai. The title or course tells you nothing, but luckily I had already read the summary somewhere else before. But the covers were already a bit obvious as well. So therefore, I sort of knew what I was getting into. But like before, I thought since it seems to be popular, it can't be... you know. I didn't read for long. It gave me more of the creeps than the other one.

...Guess that's the reality of life and internet likewise. It's so sad. And I'm so stupidly guilable!!! T__T

And now I've lost my appetite.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Dear Mine

Listening to: "You Are My Number One" - Smash Mouth
Watching: Hunter X Hunter Epidose 1

Dear Mine is a manga I discovered recently online.

It's the story of Satoko, a young girl still in high-school. A domestic girl with a kind heart, she lost her father when she was little, and therefore her family has become very poor ever since her father's company went down. However, because of Satoko's optimistic personality, she lives through life happily. Then one day, while walking home after grabbing some groceries for her mother, she is attacked by a mad dog. She is then rescued by Fuuma, an extremely mature boy at the tender age of ten. Little did Sotako know that this mysterious boy is not only in fact the head of one of the most respected companies to exist, Wakudera Corporation, but is going to be her future husband!

I know what you're thinking! That sounds so weird! But in reality, this story is so cute~! Currently it can only be found here. All the chapters are there (meaning it's complete), but unfortunately, at the moment, only chapter 1 to 4 are available to download. You must check it out, though!

Monday, September 12, 2005

I'm surprised I even dare...

Monday. Those aren't usually very good. Especially since today, Cristina didn't come to school. Maybe she's sick. Dunno. I might call her later. Anyway, today at school wasn't that bad. I survived the three first classes. P.E. is the one I can't stand, though.

Normally I hate P.E.. But this time it wasn't so bad. Right now we're playing "handball." It's a little like soccer mixed with basketball, using your hands. Today's game was one of the first ones that I actually enjoyed. There were less people, and half of the time the teacher wasn't there, which tends to make the game less stressful. Luan (the goalie in our team) was constantly complaining, though. "Que coisa sem graça" is what he called the game, which if translated into English, basically means how boring! I guess it's because most of the kids (if they like sports) they like it when there's more excitement and stress. But I prefer when there's less excitement, that way I can relax.

He also kept on letting the ball in! At least in the beginning. And almost every time he got a chance to hold the ball, he'd want to make a goal to the other goal, which is all the way on the other side! "I want to play!" he would insist when people complained. He ended up getting only one goal in all the times that he tried. XD

Anyway, it's not like I played especially well today. Even though I did block one ball. We ended up winning in the end.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

I'm going to try, okay?!

Listening to: "Good Times" - Tommy Lee

OK, OK! So I haven't written in that journal thing yet. But I'm lazy! Especially now that I'm so tired and sleepy. It's because I went to Beach Park yesterday (water-park) and it knocked me out. Now I must pay for it...

Me mom and dad went out... My mom went back to the hospital to check on Johan (german name, so don't pronounce it like it shows) and Mo, to see if they can come back. Grandma stayin' here, though. My dad, well... he went back to uh... where he goes every night.

So basically I'm all alone in my room. I can't say I disklike it, though. Some ways it's cool, in others it can be pretty boring, like now. Earlier I was non-stop, playing Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on my GBA. (I'm finally progressing in the story!) But I got a "game over" after I died in a really hard (stupid) boss battle. At that point, I just stopped. Besides, the background music won't stop ringing in my ears...

I guess as far as major news goes, my mom's going back to Germany with my sister and her boyfriend, which is around the 19th or something. 'Course, she'll be coming back. But only in a month. I was really upset (even a bit angry) about it at first when she told me, but what can I do? She's gotta sort herself out. Between that time, my dad'll be here with me. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. That's one of the parts I don't like, though. I don't wanna see how it turns out in the last minute...

I'm blank now. Don't know what else to talk about... (Basically, I have something more interesting to do.)
In regards to the title, I was basically trying to say I'll try to make a bigger post... Dunno if it worked.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

I have a thing for angels...

I got my journal. Okay, so technically it ain't a journal, because in fact it's actually an agenda. But the journals they had (which looked really babyish) were ridiculously expensive. The agendas were much more cheaper. Besides, the cover is simply adorable. It's of a little red-headed angel boy playing a gutair, with the cutest wings I've ever seen. Maybe I'll write some before I go to bed to start! =D

Friday, September 9, 2005


Listening to: 3ÂȘ Do Plural - Engenheiros Do Hawaii

Hey there, peeps. I am currently infested with the dreaded feeling called "boredom," so be aware, I won't be here to entertain you guys. Probably not anyway...

Well, let's see! The week is over once again, and so quickly... once again. It's kind of strange, though. Normally I await the weekend eagerly, already having made plans. But this time, I feel like... "Oh, weekend? Uh... What's the big deal?" But I guess because I have no plans, it's not as exciting.

Hey, have you guys ever tried yakisoba? It's a chinese noodle dish, and it's sooo good! I'm eating it this very second--even though I'm not supposed to eat in front of my comp heehee~

You must have noticed the change. I mean.... look at all the bright pastel colors! Well, it was my doing, of course. I figured, if the HTML/CSS is simple enough, then it can't be that difficult. Bless the layout-maker's soul, it wasn't. o__o

Oh, another thing! I MUST see this movie when it comes out! I just love that line: "Please sir, I want some more."

I wrote this post around 5:30, but because Blogger was in maintence at that time, I had to post it later, and it just so happened to be eleven when I did it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

❦ I like to whine once in a while...

♣ Listening to: "O Preço" - Engenheiros Do Hawaii

Man... I so wanna a digital camera. That way I could take pictures of my school, house, friends, etc. so people could get a better idea of how my life looks like. Maybe I can get one for my 15th birthday! That would be cool... *sighs dreamily* Then again, I'd have to wait for a while... What a bummer. Maybe, (just maybe) I could convince my folks to buy me one for Christmas. Maybe...

I want to buy a journal. Just a pretty, simplistic, but nice, notebook to write in. Becuase, well, I can't help but dream about those quiet moments in my room where I could write and just... open up my heart. 'Course, there's always the possibility of someone finding by accident and reading. Then, not only could I get embarrassed, but also in trouble! But I guess I'll try it out. If only I could go to the mall one of these days...

Wanna know about another thing I want? Sims 2. It looks so darn cool and... cool! But it must be really expensive here, and plus even harder to find for the Mac. And like I said before, I haven't been able to go to the mall. *pouts*

Btw: I am simply adoring Final Fantasy X-2.

Anyway, I don't have much to say really, so I guess I'll stop here. See ya~!

Friday, August 26, 2005

...Uh, it's cool! =D

I wanted to know about the meaning of the line of my hands, so my mom and me did a search for "hand reading" on Google, and we found this awesome site full of interesting things!

Go to to check it all out~ =D

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Pardon me...

Listening to: iTunes's "Top 40/Pop" radio.

Sorry for the absence. I've been kind of busy. But also a bit lazy. Lately I just haven't had the urge to post. It's weird... Anyway! I'm already half through the book of "The Client," and it's so far good. But sometimes there's these chapters where I just can't read because all they talk about is lawyers and court systems and complicated things such as that. So I stop somtimes at those points and take a break. Then, when I feel more up to reading, I pick it up again.

School is OK. Lately it sucks more than usual, but it's the only way I get to see my friends, so I have no real choice but to go anyway. I'm really dreading Monday, though. Wouldn't it be cool if the weekends were longer? It would.

I'm finally getting use to having Mohini, my sister, and everyone else around. Before it bugged me. But now I'm starting to like their company. They bring more cheeriness to the house, and I think my mom has been feeling a bit better (if only a tiny bit) because of this. Oh, did I mention before? Yesterday was my mom's 50th birthday. Same day as Baralam's appearance day.

I've started to doodle again on the computer. I switched to the soft kind. It's a little better. I'm trying to practice more expressions other than the regualr grins and smiles. I'm also trying to work with hair, but with more detail. You know how some artists can make them all voluminous and realistic looking? I can't. At least not yet.

What do you think? I'd say it's OK. Some perportions are weird, but what can I do? I'm not gonna re do it all over again. Don't get me wrong, though. I normally want everything to be perfecto, but sometimes I can shrug it off, like now.

My mom and dad went out to talk. Mom told me that when they're done, she'll call us and get us a taxi so we can meet at the resturant where we plan to eat for dinner. But oh... what do you know. They just got back! So, gotta go!

Monday, August 15, 2005

The Client

Lately it's been a struggle to read anything I buy. Why? I'll give you 4 reasons. One, half of my new books are in old English. Two, I bought the majority on the spot. Three, two of them, I can't even understand the story. Four, one of them is even from a series! (And why did they not say that on the cover...?)

So now you understand me? Good. But guess what? Now my problem is solved! If only temporarily. Last night, I brought all my newish books that I haven't read yet to my mom and explained to her why I had difficulty reading them, and then she looked through her small collection of books she has already read and ended up handing me "The Client," by Josh Grisham.

At first I thought the book would be a snap. It's pretty much under the mystery category. But, boy, little did I know that when I started reading the first chapter, I wouldn't be able to put it down. Even if it was just plain freaky. Here's exactly what it says on the back cover:


Eleven-year-old Mark Sway and his younger brother were sharing a forbidden cigerette when a chance encounter with a suicidal lawyer left Mark knowing a bloody and explosive secret: the whereabouts of the most-sought-after dead man in America.

"HEART-POUNDING!" -The Orlando Sentinel

Now Mark is caught between a legal system gone mad and a mob killer desperate to cover up his crime. And his only ally is a woman named Reggie Love, who has been a lawyer for all of four years.


Prosecuters are willing to break all the rules to make Mark talk. The mob will stop at nothing to keep him quiet. And Reggie will do anything to protect her client-- even take last, desperate gamble that could win Mark his freedom...or cost both of them their lives.

"ENGROSSING!" -San Fancisco Chronicle

OK, ok. So technically it's an adult book, but my mom told me that it doesn't have any sexual stuff. So I'm safe. Mwahahahahaha.... >=D

Sunday, August 14, 2005

News Report?

It's a new day on Sunday, Aug. 14th... at exactly 7:40 A.M. Where shall I start? Things have been going so-so. My parents, well, that's different. They're going through a difficult time.

School is OK so far. Our homeroom teacher, Ms. Assunção, is making us practice a play. It's called "Orfeu." Just by reading the lines of the characters, and you'll think total Shakespeare material. Basically, everything is overly dramatic. It's about two lovers, who eventually have to be separated because of a cruel fate. My part is one of the two "gods" who has problem with the two lover's passion, and thinks that only gods have the right for that, so the gods decide to separate them. Thankfully my lines are very little and I have only one scene. Iago, on the other hand, has lines worth two pages, since his role is the main character. He seems to like that, though.

On other news, my sister and her boyfriend, and my grandmother are arriving on Monday (which conveniently is a holiday, so there's no school on that day) at the airport. I just hope everything goes well as planned.

On other minor news...My mom hopes to find a good apartment so we can move. Also, I've finally got my domain online. It's available for people to see if by any miracle they stumble across it, but it is by no means close to finished. That's why I'm not even bothering to put a link here.

Besides that, I might as well report that I am in love with Maroon 5. OK, not in love. But I really like them. "Sunday Morning" is my favorite! *heart*

Saturday, August 6, 2005


Today I saw two movies with my mom which she rented yesterday (the 3rd one I saw yesterday). The first one we watched was called “If Only.” It’s most definetely under the Drama category. I even shed a tear or two a couple times, and that hasn’t happened in a really long time. I really liked it!

The second movie , which was called “Never Been Kissed,” was more like a cute romantic comedy. I liked it too, but I prefer“If Only” much more.

Ugh, it’s past 10:30 and I’m tired… Well, I guess I’ll go more into depth about the movies tomorrow. Maybe. >=D

Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Apathetic, I guess?

. . . .

Obviously, I wasn't in my best mood when I drew this. Now, if you're looking for the best proportions out there, you must be completely lost, 'cause you won't find them here. And if you're looking for a clean drawings with detailed details, you must be even more lost than before. So, as you can see, I don't care how it looks. No need to comment, I understand. It's terribly drawn, but it shows how I felt. Kind of. Sort of. Just not as dramatic. *shrugs*

(P.S. That new icon on my profile is my property! I made it, so there... T__T)

Friday, July 29, 2005

What am I supposed to say?

Yeah. I finished the book.

But there is one thing I can say: the last paragraph of the book was the sweetest.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Who can watch a movie twice in the same week?

I can. (Yeah, go ahead. Say it. I'm crazy.) >=D

And that's what I'm gonna do tomorrow, hopefully. I chatted with Cristina today on Yahoo! Messenger, and we ended up fixing up the idea of going to the mall to watch a movie. What movie? Howl's Moving Castle, of course. I mean, come on! I gotta have at least one person to talk about it! Besides, she really wants to see after I introduced her to Spirited Away.

It's gonna be with a bunch of people, though. With her mom, maybe her brother and sister, plus some people from school. But they can choose what they wanna watch. I'm gonna watch HMC with Cristina, no matter what! >:D Then after that, I'm gonna sleep over at her apartment. Hope it all works out in zee end.

Reading: HP 6 - I'm on chapter 9!
Listening to: N/A

P.S. I completely forgot to show you this: Click Here!
It's a photo of the trip we made to the mountians that one time for school. Cristina is the one with the red vest.

Harry Potter: and the Half-Blood Prince

I'm holding it right now, in my hands. Harry Potter: and the Half-Blood Prince, the British edition. It smells strongly of plastic... I can't seem to muster the courage to open it, though.

Oh, what the heck! XD

Finally found the right word. "Drabble".

There you go, Chai. I took your advice. One thing I know for sure, it doesn't flow much like your writing. I just ain't happy with the result. Oh, and by the way, this is a description of the girl who jumps off the cliff. Yeah. (The stupid "New Post" link took so darn long to load. It's been doing that a lot. T__T)

Her form was small considering her age. She seemed to have traveled to many places and yet her skin was pale. She walked as if she had a heavy burden on her shoulders, but there was still some grace left in her. Her eyes, almost the color of rain clouds, looked heavy and saddened. Her hair was of normal length for any girl her age, just ending a little bit after the shoulders, which always seemed to have a golden shine.

But it was also her garments that made her strange. It was a dress of pure white, spotless, with only the slightest ting of a fake golden border on the top and bottom of the dress. She wore no shoes nor jewelry. Just that one little dress.

She was so well kept and clean, and yet she wore no pairs of shoes when she walked. What could a child like her be doing barefoot in a strange dress with such a sad look on her face? As if she knew... there was trouble coming, and she could do nothing.

But that is merely what people assume when they see her passing through the many towns and valleys. That is what they see... but they know very little.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Howl's Moving Castle


I couldn't stop smiling when I got out of the theaters. I swear.

Artemis Fowl the 2nd // 15 and kicking...

Listening to: iTunes Music Store
Reading: N/A
Credit for emoticons go to KAO-ANI.COM~!

Mind you, he didn't really turn out how I imagine him. Close, but not that much. Oh well. At least I tried... Tell me what you think. But don't tell me it's too messy... I already know that!

I hope to see "Howl's Moving Castle" in the theaters today with my mom. It only has one time avalaible, and that's at 3 o'clock. I honestly don't care...

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Two words.


Friday, July 22, 2005

Good old fun!

For the period of breakfast till around 3 o'clock I was on the computer. I know, that's not healthy! But I at least accomplished something, since I worked more on my site. It makes me feel a bit satisfied with myself, if only a little teeny bit.

Anyway, I have something to show you peeps! I'm sure all of you KH fans already know about it but I'm pretty sure Cha--- um, a certain person doesn't. And that's Kingdom Hearts the manga! (As weird as it sounds, though, it's read left to right, western-style.) It's been online for quite a while, already a lot translated, but I decided to read the first couple chapters again today to amuse myself. Now I know it's now officially licensed by Tokyopop, but what the heck! I'm just gonna show my favorite pages.

Now, *ahem* starting from Chapter 1. The appearance of Riku makes me giddy, so of course he's on the first page to be shown! First two pages, actually. I simply adore Riku's knowing smirk and Sora's reaction!

Now on to Chapter 3. Here we have Riku once again, showing off his corruptive-ness, woo!

Skipping a couple chapters, now we find Sora exploring Traverse Town! What a creepy lady...

Still on the same chapter as before, Sora runs for his life, away from the huge group of Heartless, and coincidentally stumbles into Cid's shop. These pages me make me just love Cid.

Now on to the Omake! This goes past the second volume, which I haven't read yet since I don't want any spoilers. But the omake is too good to resist. No spoilers there.

Whew! Now that was fun, wasn't it?!

Thursday, July 21, 2005


Okay, so here I am. In a couple of minutes it'll be 4 o'clock. And here I am, at the computer, with nothing interesting to do. My parents went out on errands, and the only person online is Radhika, and we just decided to stop because we were running out of things to say.

Despite all that, I feel a little content/accomplished. It's silly, but I guess it's because I finally moved my lazy bum and started making the pages for my "collective".

I'm not listening to nothing in particular. Mostly pop-ish stuff, and I'm getting sick of it. But that's what Pop does. It gets stuck in your head and eventually gets to you. Unless it's a really good song, then it doesn't happen.

Ugh... this is not fun at the moment. ¬__¬

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

More doodles...

Listeing to: "Exaltation" - Unkown Artist

All I can draw lately are doodles.

This one I did yesterday, obviously. Call it a girl, a guy, whichever you prefer. I like the overall expression. (Click on it!)

Yeah, it's an elf. I kinda cheated by drawing one ear and then copying and pasting it and putting it on the other side. I also did the same thing with the eyes, earrings, and shoulders. This one could also be a guy or a girl, I guess.