Okay, so the last post was a bit over-cooked, but this one isn't! I'm not gonna be screaming any of that "omg! omg! omg!" stuff today. All I'm gonna do is grin and show you this picture from Kingdom Hearts II. Honestly I think it's gorgeous. But you may think differently. Whatever the case, I hope you like it.

On another topic... I really like Utada's "Tokyo Nights". Chai thought it a bit on the iffy side, I think, but I really like it. For one, it's catchy, it has a cool rythm, and the singer can sing, man. Of course, with every catchy song, it can get annoying after a while if you listen to it too many times. Now that I think about it, I think I'll change the song now. I listened to it, like, for 5 times already.
Now I'll switch to a song from M-Flo ♥ (the heart is part of the name, btw), called "Tripod Baby (Shadow the Hedgehog Remix)" I know, it's a strange title, but this japanese group does cool dance/disco music. I remember the day before yesterday I downloaded it. When I started listening to the beginning, after 30 seconds of regular techno sounds, there comes out this one guy who starts saying: "It's Shadow the hedgehog, baby" repeatedly and doesn't stop for more than 10 seconds. I was getting really annoyed at that point, so much that I wanted to hit that guy over the head to make him stop and just start the song! Once he did, the girls' cute little voices come in to soothe my ears, as they sing a mix of english and japanese. The guy sings in the mix of it, as well. From that point, the song is really fun to listen to. There can be these really silly catchy frases they sing too-- like the one I couldn't help but sing to myself while getting ready for bed:
"Get busy. Whoa, easy! Don't know if y'all is ready. Get busy. Whoa, easy! Don't know if y'all is ready. For busy. Check the mike, it's easy. Check the mike for busy. Check the mike, it's easy."
I know I may sound like an idiot singing that, but really, it's really catchy if you listen to the song! And the song isn't just that. They just sing that in the middle, heh. I actually feel kinda embarrassed for liking such a song with so little meaning. Normally I like songs that have more meaning in the lyrics, but this song is an exception, I guess. It's just too amusing and fun to listen to!
Anyway, any annoying-ness of the song goes away once you listen to it for a while. So the beginning doesn't bug me as much as it did then.
So I guess this post ends here. I was just kinda bored, I guess. Hope it amused me as much as it did me! XD
P.S. As a side note, I'd like to mention something. Something I thought very funny. FMA, first of all, has gotten more chapters on readmanga.com, so I've been reading ever since I found out this morning. Well, I started where Ed meets his father at his mother's grave. He get's all angry and calls him names. His father's reaction is also very funny! But then they are forced to walk together back to Pinako's house-- Ed is so not happy about it. That's when it get's really amusing. While they're walking, Ed's father says thoughtfully: "Your hair is in the same style as mine." Ed, really annoyed by that, immediately changes his ponytail to a braid and glares at his father-- you know, that glare that only Ed can do. Then Ed's father says to himself He's also very much like me when I was young. It was so funny~! XD Of course, it's gets all serious from that point on. Spoilers issue, so I won't mention anymore stuff. I just loved that one scene, that's all.